Viterbi Voices: The Podcast
Welcome to life at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Classes, student organizations, faculty, research, hands-on projects, and don't forget our social lives outside of class - its all up for discussion with regular appearances and interviews with special guests. Viterbi Voices: The Podcast is hosted by Paul Ledesma (Executive Director, Undergraduate Admission) and current student Saafiyah Patel (Computer Science, Class of 2025).
Viterbi Voices: The Podcast
Viterbi as a First-Year
In this episode, Maya speaks with first-year student Kaylena (EnvE '27) about her experience at USC in her first year. They discuss her schedule, expectations coming to USC, her transition from high school, and tips for success!
Also in the episode, our hosts Maya and Paul prepare for Thanksgiving break and discuss all things turkey, pie, and traditions. Is it stuffing or dressing? Listen to the end of the episode for the answer and lots of laughs.
Text us a Question or Comment - it may be on our next episode!